What are the top 10 tips for setting and sticking to a gambling budget?

1. Set a Budget: Determine the amount of money you are comfortable spending on gambling each month, and stick to that budget.

2. Prioritize Bills First: Plan out your monthly expenses, including bills and other financial obligations, before allocating any money toward gambling.

3. Use a Separate Account: Consider setting up a separate account solely for gambling, and deposit only the amount you’ve allocated to your gambling budget.

4. Plan for Losses: Recognize that gambling comes with the risk of losing money, so set aside money for losses within your budget.

5. Track Your Spending: Keep a record of every bet or wager you make and how much money you spend on each one. This can help you better manage your gambling budget.

6. Avoid Chasing Losses: Don’t try to recover losses by spending more than you’ve budgeted. Instead, stick to your plan and accept the loss.

7. Take Breaks: It’s important to take breaks from gambling – both short and long-term – to avoid overspending or developing an addiction.

8. Don’t Borrow Money: Avoid borrowing money to fuel your gambling habits. This can lead to financial trouble and further debt.

9. Seek Support: If you’re having trouble sticking to your gambling budget or are worried that you may have an addiction, seek help and support from professionals or support groups.

10. Be Responsible: Remember that gambling is a form of entertainment and should be approached responsibly and within your means.